Getting married? We highly recommend pre-marriage counseling whether it is a requirement by your church or not.
If you are interested in pre-marriage counseling, make sure the therapist you want to work with specializes in this type of therapy.
The most popular tool we use is the Prepare/Enrich inventory that several of our therapists utilize.
Please inform us if this is a McFarland Lutheran Church referral when you call.
Couples Inventories are a resource you as a couple may utilize to assist you and your counselor to focus objectively on critical relationship strengths as well as on areas where growth in your relationship would be beneficial. Your counselor can provide information about taking the inventory.
The Prepare/Enrich inventory usually consists of 3 separate sessions for pre-marriage, although sometimes some of the same assessments are used in marriage counseling to explore your strengths and growth challenges in greater depth.
Since both persons in a relationship bring their personal histories as well as individual differences to the relationship, your counselor may recommend individual counseling to work on personal issues that contribute to relationship problems and difficulties.
The Prepare Inventory is a nationally used pre-marriage inventory, confidentially scored on a computer. The Prepare Inventory helps you focus on both strength and growth areas in your relationship:
- Communication
- Conflict Management
- Personality Issues
- Financial Management
- Leisure Activities
- Sexual Expectations
- Family & Friends
- Role Relationship
- Children & Parenting
- Spiritual Beliefs
- Family-of-Origin Issues
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